Hello everyone and welcome!
In this article, I will talk about pedicures and why it is important to take care of your feet frequently and consistently.
Never as in this period, the appearance and health of the feet is important; summer is coming and the desire and the need to wear open shoes is getting stronger. Precisely for this reason, the pedicure is an indispensable treatment for the health of your feet.
Feet are like our roots, they help us connect to the earth, walk, dance, stay anchored, jump, run, travel and go wherever we want, but they are too often neglected.
What is a pedicure?
The pedicure is an aesthetic treatment for the beauty and health of the feet with different functions; there are two different types, the aesthetic pedicure aimed at improving the appearance of the feet, making them softer, hydrated and with painted nails and in order and the curative pedicure, which helps to solve various common problems such as corns, calluses and ingrown toenails.
· Carried out periodically, it allows for longer lasting results, smooth and velvety feet in summer and hydrated during the winter.
· Having often a pedicure, will allow the whole leg to be healthy, the state of well-being of the feet depends on that of the leg and therefore of the whole body.
· Prevents infections. If the skin of the foot is not moisturized, cracks can form and the attack of bacteria will be much easier.
· With the pedicure, all the superficial dead cells are removed and so the toxins accumulated.
· Foot and lower leg massage during pedicure, stimulates blood circulation and helps prevent ailments such as arthritis and varicose veins.
· Helps the health of your nails by improving the circulation of nutrients and avoiding the accumulation of dirt and bacteria that would cause painful infections.
· It is a powerful stress reliever. Dedicating some time to a pedicure, going to a beauty centre and relaxing is very useful to recharge your batteries.
· You will always wear the most fashionable nail polish colours and this is also essential; ).
Remember that even though your feet are at the bottom of your body, and you sometimes forget them, they are the most important tool for moving around the world and need all your care.
Ready to be proud of your feet 365 days a year?
See you soon ; ).